Important Question Of Software Engineering....

 Important Question :-


Q1. What is Software Engineering?

A1. ๐Ÿ‘‰ It is a technique through which we can develop or create software for computer system and any other electronic devices.

* Software Engineering build these software by using designing and programming languages.

* In order to make complex software, we should use Software Engineering as well as to reduce the complexity, we should use Abstraction and Decomposition.


Q2. Difference between Software Developer and Software Engineering.



Q3. What is Software ?

A3. Software is a set of instructions, data or programs used to operate computers and execute specific tasks. It is the opposite of hardware, which describes the physical aspects of a computer. Software is a generic term used to refer to applications, scripts and programs that run on a device. Example- Linux , Excel , Antiviruses etc.


Q4. Write the Full Forms-

A4. SDLC- Software Development Life Cycle

       DFD- Data Flow Diagram

      SRS- Software Requirement Specifications


Q5. What is Waterfall Model ?

A5. 1. It is the simple and classical model  of all.

2. This model is also known as linear sequential model.

3. This model is the theoretically model not a practical model.

4. This model is suitale for small projects.

5. In this model, once a phase is successfully completed then only we can move to the next phase, so        there is no overlapping between the phases.

6. Each phase has a well defined task and review process.


Assignment - #01

Que.1:  Justify the term :" Design is not coding and coding is not design"

Ans.1:  Design is not coding and coding is not design” this is one of the design principles that are to be appliedwhile designing the software systems. This means that level of abstraction of design model should be higher that the source code. At the time of coding, whatever design, decisions are made can beimplemented.


Que.2: Feasibility study in software development plays a crucial role.

Ans.2: A feasibility study is a study, usually done by engineers, that establishes whether conditions are right to implement a particular project. Feasibility studies can be done for many purposes, and are sometimes done in IT in order to look at feasibility for new hardware and software setups.


Que.3: What is software Engg. ? What is difference b/w Software Engg. and software Developer ?

Ans.3: ๐Ÿ‘‰ It is a technique through which we can develop or create software for computer system and any other electronic devices.

* Software Engineering build these software by using designing and programming languages.

* In order to make complex software, we should use Software Engineering as well as to reduce the complexity, we should use Abstraction and Decomposition.


Que.4: What do you understand by SDLC ? Why it is important to advice to a life cycle models while developing a large project . 

Ans.4: It stands for Software Development life cycle model. It describes the sequence of phases or steps to develop any software.

    It contain 3 main types :-

1. Conception stage

2. Implementation stage

3. Maintenance

Adherence to the SDLC enhances development speed and minimizes project risks and costs associated with alternative methods of production.


Que.5: Explain the term SRS with example.

Ans.5: SRS stands for Software requirement specification. It is a document prepared by business analyst.

        * The SRS consists of all necessary requirements.

        * SRS documents is actually an agreements between the client and developer.

 Parts of SRS documents -

1. Functional requirement of the system.

2. Non-Functional requirement of the system.

3. Goal of implementation.

Characteristics of SRS:

1. Complete

2. Consistent

3. Modifiable

4. Feasible



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