
Showing posts from February, 2023

Python Notes for B-Tech , Bsc , Bca....

  UNIT-1 What is Python? * Python is a high level , general purpose object oriented programming language. * It was created by Guido Van Rossum in 1991 at CWI in Netherland. Syntex- print("Hello") ----------------------- Features of Python:- * Simple and easy to learn * Open source * Platform independent * Rich Library * Portable * Interpreted ----------------------- Applications of  Python :- * Web development * Game development * IOT development * AI * Machine Learning ------------------------------- # Input / Output :-  * For taking input in python , we have input() *    For taking output in python , we have print() ------------------------------ Python Comments :-  Comments are nothing but ignorable part of python program that are ignored by the interpreter. There are 2 types of Comments - 1. Single line comment syntex- #.......... 2. Multi line comment syntex- ''' .......... .......... ........ ''' ----------------- Keywords:-  Keywords are the wor...

Important Question Of Software Engineering....

 Important Question :- -------------------------- Q1. What is Software Engineering? A1. 👉  It is a technique through which we can develop or create software for computer system and any other electronic devices. * Software Engineering build these software by using designing and programming languages. * In order to make complex software, we should use Software Engineering as well as to reduce the complexity, we should use Abstraction and Decomposition. ------------------------------------- Q2. Difference between Software Developer and Software Engineering. A2.  ------------------------------------ Q3. What is Software ? A3.  Software is  a set of instructions, data or programs used to operate computers and execute specific tasks . It is the opposite of hardware, which describes the physical aspects of a computer. Software is a generic term used to refer to applications, scripts and programs that run on a device. Example- Linux , Excel , Antiviruses etc. ---------...

Data Mining Notes For B-Tech, Bca, Bsc ...

  What is Data Mining? * Data Mining can be defined as extraction of useful information from a large amount of data. The another term for data mining is KDD ( Knowledge discovery in data ) .  -------------------- Data :-   These are Raw and Unorganised facts that need to be process. Information :- When data is processed , organised structured in given contest to make it useful or meaningful. Knowledge:-  It is expertise to inform the result from information you have obtain. -------------------- Area where Data Mining is used:- 1. Healthcare 2. Fraud Detection 3. Education 4. Lie Detection ---------------- Challenges Of Implementation in Data Mining :- * The process of data mining becomes effective when the challenges or problems are correctly recognized. 1. Noisy and incomplete data 2. Distributed data 3. Complex data 4. Performance --------------- Domain used for Data Mining Technique:- 1. AI 2. ML 3. Statistics 4. Database --------------- Steps in Data Mining - ...

OOPS JAVA Notes for B-Tech , Bsc and Bca students.

     What Is Java ? * It is a class based high level object oriented language. * It is develop by James Gosling , Patrik Naughton and Mike Sheridan. * Developed by the company Sun Micro System in 1995. * Handed by oracle in 2010. * Java Compilar written in C language. Flavour Of Java : 1. Core java (Standard) 2. Advance java (Entreprise) 3.Android java (Micro) Features of Java :  1. Object oriented 2. Platform independent 3. Case sensitive 4. Garbage collection 5.Secure language 6. Portable 7. High performance 8. Robust ----------------------------------- JDK: -    It provide all the tools which works with java. JRE:- It provide environment in which java program was execute or run. JVM:- It allow java program to run on any device and to manage program memory. JIT:-  I t stands for Just in time compilar. It is a part of JVM. Jvm execute bite code aqnd execution of bit code is slower than execution of machine code because JVM first translate bite code in...

Software Engineering Full Notes... B-Tech (C.S.) , Bsc (CS) , BCA....

  WHAT IS SOFTWARE ENGINEERING ? 👉 It is a technique through which we can develop or create software for computer system and any other electronic devices. * Software Engineering build these software by using designing and programming languages. * In order to make complex software, we should use Software Engineering as well as to reduce the complexity, we should use Abstraction and Decomposition. ABSTRACTION:- It is a process of removing unnecessary details and focusing on the overview, this                                                    allow the program to run faster. DECOMPOSITION:-  It is a process of breaking large, complex problem into smaller parts. ------------------------------------------------ Purpose of Software Engineering : >  To manage large software. >  For greater scalability. > ...