
Data Mining Assignment

                            Assignment # 01 Q1) Explain Data , Information , Knowledge and Intelligence ?  A1) Data : Data are the raw and unorganized facts that need to be process.      Information: When data is processed , organised structured in given contest to make it useful or meaningful. Knowledge: It is expertise to inform the results from information you have obtain. Intelligence : It is defined as the ability to solve complex problems or make decisions with outcomes benefiting the actor. -------------------- Q2) What is Data Mining ? Explain major issue Data Mining. A2)  Data Mining can be defined as extraction of useful information from a large amount of data. The another term for data mining is KDD ( Knowledge discovery in data ) . Issue In Data Mining:- Data mining is not an easy task, as the algorithms used can get very complex and data is not always available at one place. It needs to be integrated from various heterogeneous data sources. These factors also create some

Python Notes for B-Tech , Bsc , Bca....

  UNIT-1 What is Python? * Python is a high level , general purpose object oriented programming language. * It was created by Guido Van Rossum in 1991 at CWI in Netherland. Syntex- print("Hello") ----------------------- Features of Python:- * Simple and easy to learn * Open source * Platform independent * Rich Library * Portable * Interpreted ----------------------- Applications of  Python :- * Web development * Game development * IOT development * AI * Machine Learning ------------------------------- # Input / Output :-  * For taking input in python , we have input() *    For taking output in python , we have print() ------------------------------ Python Comments :-  Comments are nothing but ignorable part of python program that are ignored by the interpreter. There are 2 types of Comments - 1. Single line comment syntex- #.......... 2. Multi line comment syntex- ''' .......... .......... ........ ''' ----------------- Keywords:-  Keywords are the wor

Important Question Of Software Engineering....

 Important Question :- -------------------------- Q1. What is Software Engineering? A1. 👉  It is a technique through which we can develop or create software for computer system and any other electronic devices. * Software Engineering build these software by using designing and programming languages. * In order to make complex software, we should use Software Engineering as well as to reduce the complexity, we should use Abstraction and Decomposition. ------------------------------------- Q2. Difference between Software Developer and Software Engineering. A2.  ------------------------------------ Q3. What is Software ? A3.  Software is  a set of instructions, data or programs used to operate computers and execute specific tasks . It is the opposite of hardware, which describes the physical aspects of a computer. Software is a generic term used to refer to applications, scripts and programs that run on a device. Example- Linux , Excel , Antiviruses etc. ---------------------------------

Data Mining Notes For B-Tech, Bca, Bsc ...

  What is Data Mining? * Data Mining can be defined as extraction of useful information from a large amount of data. The another term for data mining is KDD ( Knowledge discovery in data ) .  -------------------- Data :-   These are Raw and Unorganised facts that need to be process. Information :- When data is processed , organised structured in given contest to make it useful or meaningful. Knowledge:-  It is expertise to inform the result from information you have obtain. -------------------- Area where Data Mining is used:- 1. Healthcare 2. Fraud Detection 3. Education 4. Lie Detection ---------------- Challenges Of Implementation in Data Mining :- * The process of data mining becomes effective when the challenges or problems are correctly recognized. 1. Noisy and incomplete data 2. Distributed data 3. Complex data 4. Performance --------------- Domain used for Data Mining Technique:- 1. AI 2. ML 3. Statistics 4. Database --------------- Steps in Data Mining -                Data Se

OOPS JAVA Notes for B-Tech , Bsc and Bca students.

     What Is Java ? * It is a class based high level object oriented language. * It is develop by James Gosling , Patrik Naughton and Mike Sheridan. * Developed by the company Sun Micro System in 1995. * Handed by oracle in 2010. * Java Compilar written in C language. Flavour Of Java : 1. Core java (Standard) 2. Advance java (Entreprise) 3.Android java (Micro) Features of Java :  1. Object oriented 2. Platform independent 3. Case sensitive 4. Garbage collection 5.Secure language 6. Portable 7. High performance 8. Robust ----------------------------------- JDK: -    It provide all the tools which works with java. JRE:- It provide environment in which java program was execute or run. JVM:- It allow java program to run on any device and to manage program memory. JIT:-  I t stands for Just in time compilar. It is a part of JVM. Jvm execute bite code aqnd execution of bit code is slower than execution of machine code because JVM first translate bite code into machine code and JIT helps JVM

Software Engineering Full Notes... B-Tech (C.S.) , Bsc (CS) , BCA....

  WHAT IS SOFTWARE ENGINEERING ? 👉 It is a technique through which we can develop or create software for computer system and any other electronic devices. * Software Engineering build these software by using designing and programming languages. * In order to make complex software, we should use Software Engineering as well as to reduce the complexity, we should use Abstraction and Decomposition. ABSTRACTION:- It is a process of removing unnecessary details and focusing on the overview, this                                                    allow the program to run faster. DECOMPOSITION:-  It is a process of breaking large, complex problem into smaller parts. ------------------------------------------------ Purpose of Software Engineering : >  To manage large software. >  For greater scalability. >  To manage the cost. >  To manage the dynamic nature of software. >  For better quality management. -----------------------------------------------------  SDLC :   It stands